


Butte-Glenn Community College District participates in multiple retirement programs. Full and part-time academic employment is generally subject to coverage by the California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS). Full-time classified (non-academic) employment is generally covered by the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). In addition to Social Security (FICA), the District participates in alternative retirement plans such as STRS Cash Balance for Associate Faculty and APPLE for certain part-time, seasonal, or temporary employees.

CalSTRS members do not contribute to Social Security (FICA). As a result, the retirement benefits a member receives from school employment are provided entirely by CalSTRS. Although CalSTRS members do not receive Social Security benefits by virtue of their public school employment, many receive such benefits from other employment, or by being married to an individual who was employed in jobs covered by Social Security. As a result of the federal Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), the Social Security benefits that a CalSTRS member receives is often reduced because the member is receiving a retirement benefit from CalSTRS.  A CalSTRS member who has paid FICA on 30 years of substantial earnings is not affected by WEP.

If you would like additional information on WEP or an explanation of substantial earnings, click on the underscored item.

CalPERS Retirement Calculator

CalSTRS Retirement Calculator

CalPERS YouTube Video

CalSTRS YouTube Video

Content Editor:

Kathy Turner
(530) 879-4047