Butte College's largest fundraising event, the Butte College Spring Gala, will honor two outstanding alumni of the year on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at the Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th Street in Chico, beginning at 6 p.m.
The black-tie optional event is hosted by the Butte College Foundation and benefits scholarships, athletics, and Foundation endeavors that benefit Butte College and its students. The evening includes a silent auction, live auction, and dinner, with the theme, "Start here. Go anywhere!" Emcee of the evening will be Dick Stein.
"Since 1968, Butte College has helped students find their career pathways. This event recognizes two outstanding alumni who have demonstrated excellence in their professional areas of expertise," said Dr. Kimberly Perry, Butte College President. "It's exciting to note many of our alumni are touching lives not only in our communities in Butte and Glenn Counties, but also statewide, nationally and internationally. Our communities benefit economically from students who succeed in college."
The two Butte College outstanding alumni selected this year include Alex DuBose, owner of the Rental Guys and Jerry Smith, retired Butte County Sheriff.
"The evening honors these individuals and supports the efforts of the Foundation to serve 13,000 students a semester through scholarships, programs, and services, in addition raising funds for our successful athletics program," said Perry.
The event's title sponsor is Tri Counties Bank. Additional sponsors include J.E. McAmis Inc., Esplanade Furniture, Hupp Neon, PG&E, Ray Morgan Company, Salute' of California, Law Offices of Dan Alexander, Barbara Weibel-Coldwell Banker/DuFour Realty, MC2 Design, and more.
For sponsorship or ticket information, call 530-895-2359 or email foundation@colleensflowercellar.com.
The Butte College Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization which raises funds to support the needs and mission of the College. In addition to awarding and distributing scholarships each year, the Foundation supports programs and services on campus to support 13,000 students each semester. Created in 1987, the Butte College Foundation relies on community donations. Helping students succeed directly benefits the economic health of Butte and Glenn Counties. The Butte College Foundation can provide assistance to donors interested in leaving a lasting legacy through planned giving and/or scholarships in memory of a loved one. Visit 0vjq.colleensflowercellar.com/foundation.